How to Get a Job With a Selling Resume?
Traditional resume which most often remains “overboard” tells the potential employer only the general facts of the candidate’s work experience.Sharing with you tips and tricks how to make CV attractive to recruiter:
Follow the rule "one job role - one resume." Then your goal - to get a specific position in a specific company - will look more convincing. You should not indicate several job titles, especially if they have significant differences in the area of responsibility, tasks, and management level.Profile
On the first page of your CV, place a “professional profile” section that concisely reflects your value to the employer: expertise, experience, knowledge, skills, and competence.Functions
Adapt the content of your resume to the job profile. Highlight only relevant experience and functions that relate to the vacancy you apply to.Specialized Terminology
Add marker keywords (professional terminology, computer program names, economic indicators, etc.) that reflect your industry affiliation, expertise, and professionalism. These words are specific to each industry and can be found in job descriptions on job sites.Achievements
It is a must-have item that demonstrates your success and efficiency. Describe achievements using KPIs, quantitative and qualitative data, business effects.Significant projects
Describes your participation in large-scale projects that allow you to prove yourself, develop leadership skills and gain valuable experience.Additional education
Express your broad outlook and focus on development. To do this, indicate information about participation in trainings, advanced training courses, educational programs that are relevant to your professional field.Portfolio
If your profession is related to creativity or project activities, prepare a portfolio and include in your resume a link to a presentation in the cloud.Follow these recommendations and a call from a recruiter will not keep you waiting!