7 Tips for Young Specialists

Here are some tips to help you avoid common mistakes and move faster up the career ladder.
1. Do not wait for a miracle and start acting
If you are a freshman, we do not recommend you to immediately start looking for a full-time job, take time to adapt instead. Try taking part in university activities. For example, by attending an open day, you will be able to understand how much the event-sphere interests you and if you would like to grow in this area.When you realize that university workload is no longer enough for you and you want more, try volunteer programs or working on a project.
These are two forms of employment that allow you to choose your working schedule. Thanks to these opportunities, you will be able to see the inside in its true colors.
2. Refusal is not the end
If you are rejected due to the lack of experience, young age or simply shortage of work places, remember – there are exceptions. They are always there. You just had to show the recruiter your interest and strong attitude. For example, not only respond to vacancies on job boards, but also search for open positions on the company’s website and social media, pay more attention to the application letter and explain to the recruiter at the interview that you are willing to combine work and studies. 3. Value yourself and your work
Very often, young specialists are offered to work for the best of motives, but that is wrong. Work must be paid for. Indeed, the salary may be not too high, but it should exist.If you are offered such an option, sit down and make a list of your skills, perhaps you know how to write attracting posts or make colorful and interesting presentations – this is all work. Now think about the amount of money that you will spend on the road, food and coffee breaks.
And answer honestly if you are motivated enough.
4. Negative experience is also useful
If you have worked in some sphere and realized that it is not for you – do not be afraid to leave.Sometimes it is better to “drop” something that you have been aiming at for so long to find a work you are happy with. It is the experience that counts.
5. Do not be afraid to ask
The salary of young employees is lower precisely because of the lack of experience. Supervisor expects you to learn and develop your skills, so questions are a good thing. Questions will show the supervisor that you are concerned about the result.6. Come with a solution, not a problem
Basic difficulties have been dealt with, what is to be done with force majeure?You have your managing team and you can always turn to them for advice. But think for a moment about how you would solve this problem. Set out a couple of options that you think are the most effective. When you come to the manager, you will show that you have made an effort and ask not for help, but for advice.
7. Build up experience and do not miss interesting opportunities
If you are interested in everything and want to try yourself in completely different areas, the advice is simple – give it a try! Now is the best time. We live in an amazing age when employers are interested in cross-functional specialists.Do not be afraid of recruiters’ questions about the reasons for changing job, just be prepared to answer them. Talk more about the transitions, explain your motives. Do not forget to focus on the experience that will be useful for the position.
It is impossible to avoid all mistakes, they are a part of life, including the professional path. But you can avoid the trivial ones and learn from the experience of other people.
Take the tips above into consideration and start acting, trying everything that is interesting or potentially might interest you. Over time, you will definitely understand what inspires you and what, on the contrary, is draining. And then your career path will start developing.