Job Interview: How to Answer Recruitment Consultant’s Questions

Tell about yourself
This question is being asked at almost every interview. Other versions of that questions are the following:- name three key points of your resume
- how would we start our conversation?
- what would you like to tell us?
- what are your current job responsibilities?
Why have you decided to change your current job?
Talking about reasons that encouraged you to change your job or look for a new one, make a point about what is attractive for you in their company, don’t talk about what you liked or disliked at your former job. Stay positive!Don’t raise any questions about conflicts and disagreements even if they existed. Moreover, don’t ever blame your former employer.
Try to give a diplomatic answer:
- due to possible reorganization some positions may be consolidated
- presently I am ready to develop my potential in new and more challenging tasks
- I am interested in new career self-development
If a recruitment consultant knows that you had a disagreement with your former employer, then, without going into details, explain that it was an issue caused by certain circumstances and concentrate only on positive outcomes from your former job such as: gained experience, useful skills, important contacts, etc.
Why are you interested in this job?
Answering this question, stress professional skills and qualities that could be useful for the position which you are applying. Demonstrate that you collected information about the company before the interview. Remember that lack of knowledge about the industry or unspoken interest about company’s fieldwork could be a sufficient reason for being rejected for the position.
If you are hired, what will be your first steps?
This question is usually asked when applying for management positions. You should demonstrate your confidence, ability to take the initiative and capability of analyzing and planning.
But do not overstep yourself promising that no stone will be left unturned!
Be aware of temptations to offer any revolutionary changes, especially if you have not had a chance to acquaint yourself with current cases and tasks that needed to be performed.
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
Answer should be fair and simple. Do not make up anything special trying to be unusual. Also, be cautious to name too ambitious goals, especially, if an achievement has nothing to do with applied position and the company. You can say, for instance, that you would like to continue working in this company but with more challenging tasks and on a higher position.
What is your expected salary range?
Do not start talking about it on your own – wait for a recruitment consultant’s question. Answering questions about your expected salary range, you should remain honest, direct and calm: you should be prepared in advance and be ready to disclose your minimum and optimal expectation for salary and benefits package.
What are your strengths?
This answer also requires preliminary preparations. Answering about your strengths, accent your qualities which can be useful for this specific job and for solving tasks of this position. Prove these qualities with examples from your life when you were studying or during your previous work.
What are your weaknesses?
Answering this question, do not be dishonest saying things like that your only weakness is being too responsible. It can create an impression that you just avoid the answer. It is much better to state a disadvantage that could be construed as an advantage, for instance: sometimes my determination and energy could be misinterpreted as impatience, but now I am trying to express my thoughts more clearly.
Job interview preparation is not only respectful of the recruitment consultant’s time, but also helps to increase your own strengths!