Вакансия Head of Product Management in Mobile Experience Department в городе Ташкент
Код вакансии: 63030e21b1f9810012ca0467
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Head of Product Management in Mobile Experience Department

The Product Manager is responsible for both product planning and product marketing. This includes managing the product throughout the Product Lifecycle, gathering and prioritizing product and customer requirements, defining the product vision, and working closely with engineering, to deliver winning products. It also includes working with sales, marketing and support to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met. The Product Manager’s job also includes ensuring that the product and marketing efforts support the company’s overall strategy and goals.


  • Define the product strategy and roadmap;
  • Develop the core positioning and messaging for the product;
  • Develop marketing sales tools to promote products;
  • Analyze product performance;
  • Analyze and compare products with competitors;
  • Manage the team and ensure to achieve the targets;
  • Delegate the tasks within the team and control their execution.


  • University degree Minimum 1 years of relevant industry experience (sales, marketing, management);
  • Programs MS Office (advanced), Excel, PPT;
  • Fluent knowledge of English, Russian and Uzbek language.


  • The opportunity to work in leading international corporation of Electonics;
  • Work schedule 5 days a week;
  • High competitive salary;
  • Opportunity for career growth and continuous development;
  • Comfortable working conditions and friendly staff.
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