Вакансия Maintenance Manager в городе Ташкент
Код вакансии: 63d9dfecb1f9810012ca0d46
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Maintenance Manager

Responsible to ensure all maintenance activities are in compliance with all safety, health, and environmental regulations and Corporate/Group requirements. Support Global and plant EH&S goals. Ensure maintenance related EH&S goals are established and achieved. Ensure all non-conformances are investigated and corrective actions are implemented. The aim is to achieve no lost time, recordable or first aid injuries by maintaining safe operating practices, completing safety training and demonstrating leadership in BSP compliance.
Attain maximum plant reliability through the development and execution of maintenance strategies that support the way the facility generates value. Responsibility for the execution of those strategies, scope and planning of maintenance activities, using predictive diagnostic analysis techniques as well as general preventive maintenance program to maximise up-time.

Accountable and responsible for the creation of and adherence to the annual maintenance budget.

Требования к опыту:
The position requires an individual with demonstrated practical engineering and leadership skills, an in depth knowledge of large plant equipment and maintenance work processes, broad based technical abilities and financial management experience. Strong organisational, planning, and interpersonal and communication skills are essential to the position. Preferably a Graduate/Chartered Engineer with a minimum of 15 years in operational management, maintenance, and/or engineering roles is desired.

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