Вакансия Коммерческий директор в городе Ташкент
Код вакансии: 659f808cb1f9810012ca21b8
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  • Ташкент

Коммерческий директор

Develop and execute strategic plans to achieve sales targets
Develop and execute new Go To Market Model for Uzbekistan market
Create and communicate sales goals and ensure executives are informed on the progress of those goals.
Build and maintain long-lasting, strong relationships with key account and distributors while partnering with them to better understand their business objectives and needs.
Leading and motivating staff to improve customer service with clients.
Understand industry-specific trends and landscapes.
Effectively communicate value propositions through presentations and proposals.
Report on forces that shift strategic directions of accounts and tactical budgets.
Build and maintain profitable partnerships with key stakeholders
Monitor performance of commercial activities using key metrics and prepare reports for senior management
Assist in setting financial targets and budget development and monitoring

Experience Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree
Directors of Sales typically have10+ years of sales experience Functional
Relevant experience in a leadership or managerial position

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