Вакансия Compliance Officer в городе Ташкент
Код вакансии: 6641d7413a179d001103babc

Compliance Officer

  • Обязанности:
  • Develop and implement corporate Compliance programs of the Company. Assess the Company's compliance risks and organize work to respond to them in accordance with corporate compliance procedures;
  • Monitor applicable legal regulation;
  • Implement measures to control compliance with the Company's Anti-Corruption Policy, including internal control measures of counterparties, charitable and sponsorship projects, other internal control and/or audit measures;
  • Monitor the compliance of the Company's processes related to the processing of personal data with the requirements of corporate policies and applicable law, including keeping up to date the Company's internal regulatory documentation in this area, organize internal control measures; 
  • Implement accounting and assist in the processes of agreeing on the necessary contracts and instructions with third parties involved in the processing of personal data; 
  • Organize and implement measures to control (audit) such third parties;
  • Organize internal compliance au;
  • Требования к опыту:
  • Higher education in Laws from leading university of Uzbekistan or foreign universities;
  • Knowledge of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular, anti-trust, private data protection;
  • Fluency in Russian, English and Uzbek;

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